Welcome to the Graduate Student Development Plan Portal
The site is undergoing maintenance. We expect to be back up by the end of the day.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Graduate programs nationwide are turning to Individual Development Plans to foster reflection by students and enhance communication with mentors. In the IDP, completed at least once per year, students write about what they have achieved, what they aim to accomplish, and where they see themselves in the near and far future. The completed IDP is shared with faculty mentors and provides the basis for discussions of plans and resources.
The goal of the IDP is to contribute to the experience, the learning, and the outcomes of the student. SGS does not, will not, and cannot access any IDPs completed by the students. The IDPs completed by the students are regarded as confidential communications between the student and the student’s advisor, the Graduate Director, and any other program faculty member or administrator designated by the student or by the program’s Graduate Director. SGS has access only to (a) blank IDP forms created by programs and (b) any completed 7+ year addendum (the 7+ year addendum is currently required by SGS policies).
The Executive Council of the School of Graduate Studies voted on April 20, 2021, to require that all programs provide students with the opportunity to complete Individual Development Plans. To support this goal, we are providing this online application for the creation and completion of IDPs.
To graduate programs:
Graduate programs may design their own IDP forms by editing the template provided in this application. Different IDP forms can be created for different degrees or tracks. Programs may add or omit sections. There is also provision for students to upload supplemental documents.
To graduate students:
You may complete the IDP form created by your program following the schedule recommended by your program faculty. Completed IDPs are stored securely and may be viewed only by you, faculty advisors you name and the director of your program. Completed IDPs may be printed (PDF) and downloaded to pre-populate each year’s new IDP.
Students in year 7 or later will be required to complete a special addendum that summarizes plans for completing your degree. This is the only portion of the IDP that is viewable by the School of Graduate Studies.
We hope you will all enjoy and benefit from this new resource. SGS thanks all those who have provided comments and feedback on the content of the IDP application. We also acknowledge and appreciate the dedicated work of Lucas Marxen and his software team at the Office of Research Analytics of the NJ Agricultural Experiment Section, who designed and implemented this application.
Please send any comments or questions to: individualdevelopment@grad.rutgers.edu
School of Graduate Studies
July 2021